Friday 16 October 2015

Is a healthy drink and flavored water WISE?

Is a healthy drink and flavored water WISE?

If you do not like the taste of plain water, you are not alone. There are many people who can not stand the taste of regular water and prefer to meet the water needs of the water with the flavor.

Accelerin-Read Shocking Nootropic Facts

In fact, at the present time seems flavored water to be very popular, and you can get a set of items in supermarkets and grocery stores.

This water comes in a riot of colors and alluring flavors that many people end up buying them. However, most people should be asking the question is a healthy flavored water for you.

Today, there are a lot of people who think flavored water is very healthy and good for weight loss. Let's find out the good and healthy water to drink flavored or should be sticking to clean water.

Flavored water for weight loss

If you are trying to get rid of those extra pounds you're carrying, you should be looking to reduce the calorie intake should be.

Most people do not even get more of their calories from beverages such as coffee, canned fruit juices, soft drinks and sports drinks are aware of. These drinks contain high calories and can also be high in fat and sugar.

Many health professionals recommend to replace these high calorie beverages with water. Does this mean that flavored drink water to lose weight is the way forward? Yes and no.

Well, we need to check the nutrition label of flavored waters carefully before you decide integrated into the diet and your weight loss.

Determine how many calories contains water. This will allow you to determine whether this will reduce the calories or simply add to it.

Drink water flavored compared to regular water

The human body requires at least six to eight glasses of water to function optimally. Famous Cleveland Clinic says when the body is dehydrated, it mimics the same signals as hunger, leading many people to eat rather than drink fluids.

Of course, when you're thirsty, you may end up drinking flavored water. After all, advertising visualize these waters as rich in essential vitamins and taste really great.

The reason flavored water tends to taste good is because of the spices and sugar. While you may feel flavored water is a healthy choice compared with soft drinks it is not in fact as well as in.

Drink water flavored compared to regular water means filling your body with empty calories. This water, sugar, corn syrup, which is only liquid containing sugar.

Flavored water is not the best option

Undoubtedly, a large majority of flavored water available in the market contain sugar and corn syrup. This means that they are also high in calories.

Did you know that if you consume water continuously with flavor, you will be overweight and not to lose it? This ended up with your weight loss efforts.

With this rush of water caused the taste of sugar, and your body will start craving for more sugar. As a result, it will resort to unhealthy diet, leading to weight gain.

In addition, water with artificial flavor does nothing to quench your thirst and satisfy your hunger it will not water the way.

What about the calories do not Flavored Water?

Many brands promote friendly diet flavored water. They claim the water or have very low calorie or contain no calories at all.

What about them?

Unfortunately, there is no so-called calorie flavored water containing artificial sweeteners and components. This specially added to improve the taste of water without increasing the number of calories to him.

Then, as you continue to drink this water does not calorie flavored, and your body will experience the desire to eat sugar, causing you to search for food or drink loaded with sugar.

The best drinks in the world

If you are wondering potable water for drinking and healthy flavor, and the answer is no, it is not.

If you're looking for a healthy drink tells your thirst during weight gain, water must be consumed on a regular basis.

It will hydrate the body and stimulate the function of the cell water. It also helps to flush out the toxins and impurities from the body. Above all, plain water is a great way to keep a check on your waistline.

If you are a person who finds plain water boring, boring and monotonous, do not worry type. There are ways to liven up regular water flavor without adding calories or sugar is not healthy for it.

You can water with fresh fruits and vegetables flavor. You can add some fresh lemon juice to pressure or little cranberry juice to improve the taste.

Instead, you can add a few slices of cucumber to make a refreshing drink in the summer.


If you are pregnant, drinking water flavor during pregnancy should be avoided. This water, previously mentioned, contain artificial and synthetic ingredients, and sweeteners.

And can adversely affect the growth and development of your child. However, you can rest assured knowing the water flavored with natural gas is healthy as long as it does not contain sodium and any other artificial ingredients.

Making your health and weight of the water and friendly

While there are zero-calorie flavored water, you do not have to buy them and spend your hard earned money. You can do normal water and even healthy and delicious.

Improve the taste of plain water, adding lemon, cucumber, orange or lemon slices. Water decorate with some fresh mint leaves.

Alternatively, you can cut mint leaves and add them to the water as well.

In a hot summer day, consider adding a few pieces of watermelon to your water. Will the renovation and revitalization will increase the taste of your water.

You can also drink water with gas flavored naturally. Yes, water flavored naturally with gas is healthy, provided it does not contain sodium.

You can improve the taste of sparkling water by adding fruit juice 100 percent into it. Make sure that does not contain artificial colors juice.

Now we have the answer to the question is a healthy drink water flavor.

And move forward in the adoption of health, of water laden with calories regular water flavor. Waist circumference and body will love you for this option.

Words: the taste of drinking water, flavored seltzer, flavored water and health, health Flavored water for you, water, natural flavoring and water to lose weight

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